Supporting success in clinical trials.
We are committed to excellence in ophthalmic research. Our clinical team works closely with sponsors and investigators to develop, implement and refine.
Our approach
We are innovators at heart. Our team consists of eight therapeutically endorsed and GCP certified optometrists who perform all ophthalmic testing, including the capturing and interpretation of scans.
Our services
We are experienced in Phase I - III clinical trials. We collaborate with clinical trials professionals in protocol review, offer an extensive internal database of patients with a diverse range of conditions to assist with recruitment, and have a range of state-of-the-art technology that collects high quality data and provides robust ocular analysis.

Our equipment
Posterior Eye & Retinal Imaging
Includes wide-field retinal photography, OCT, fundus auto-fluorescence and OCT angiography.
Anterior Eye Imaging
Includes slit lamp biomicroscopy with vital dyes, corneal topography & tomography and anterior OCT.
Ocular Biometry
Includes axial length, anterior chamber depth and corneal thickness measurements.
Dry Eye & Ocular Surface Evaluation
Includes ocular surface staining with sodium fluorescein and lissamine green and non-invasive TBUT measurements.
Corneal Evaluation
Includes epithelial thickness mapping, specular microscopy, corneal tomography & corneoscleral profilometry.
Visual Field Assessment
Includes perimetry across an array of instruments, each with a variety of preset visual field assessment programs.
Our team
Lachlan Hoy
Pooja Bhindi
BMedSci(VisSci) MOptom
Millie Meegan
BMedSci(VisSci) MOptom
Daniel Moriarty
BMedSci(VisSci) MOptom
Wes Butler
BMedSci(VisSci) MOptom
Rui Lin
BMedSci(VisSci) MOptom
Dylan Bentley
BMedSci(VisSci) MOptom

Contact us
(08) 8231 9341
300 Wakefield Street
Adelaide SA 5000